Increasing Number of States Declaring Sovereignty Nimmo
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Back in December, the Wall Street Journal had a good chuckle over Russian academic Igor Panarin's prediction that the United States would break apart by 2010. Using threadbare Cold War logic, Andrew Osborn wrote that Panarin's forecast "is music to the ears of the Kremlin, which in recent years has blamed Washington for everything from instability in the Middle East to the global financial crisis." For the WSL scribe, Panarin's analysis is about the Red Bear "returning to its rightful place on the world stage after the weakness of the 1990s, when many feared that the country would go economically and politically bankrupt and break into separate territories."
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The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were nullified many years ago, at least since the emergence of the Federalists under Alexander Hamilton. | |
In fact, it was not so much "weakness" that destroyed Russia as it was the IMF, the World Bank, and Wall Street, in other words it was another bankster looting and fire sale scheme that brought the former Soviet Union down, not that we should expect the Wall Street Journal to admit as much. Ditto the current "global financial crisis" and instability in the Middle East.
"Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar," Osborn summarizes. "Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces — with Alaska reverting to Russian control."
In the case of a growing number of U.S. states, however, it is not so much economic decline and moral degradation pointing the way to a "disintegration," but rather violations of the Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791, and states restates the Constitution's principle of Federalism by providing that powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states and to the people. It is based on an earlier provision of the Articles of Confederation: "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled."
Although Fox News and CNN are not telling you about it, a growing number of states are declaring sovereignty. Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, California, and Georgia have all introduced bills and resolutions declaring sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. Colorado, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Alaska, Kansas, Alabama, Nevada, Maine, and Illinois are considering such measures.
For details on the particular bills and resolutions introduced by the above states, check out the following:
Sadly, far too many Americans are woefully ignorant when it comes to understanding their rights and the Constitution. As Gary Alder notes in his "15 Key Principles of the Founding Fathers," the "9th and 10th Amendments are the keystones to preserving Freedom." In fact, the first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of (Individual) Rights, clarify the restraints placed on the national government and they safeguard the rights of individuals. It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that all of these individual rights are under withereing attack by the federal government.
"Obama's plans for a federal handgun license, 'hate crimes' laws to regulate Christians' speech about their own religious beliefs on homosexuality, President Obama's youth corps for mandatory public service and the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' to 'balance' talk radio have New Hampshire Lawmakers telling Obama to basically grow up and get some better ideas," writes Jake Jones. "They say that if Obama's plans are implimented, it would constitute a nullification of the Constitution for the United States."
Unfortunately, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were nullified many years ago, at least since the emergence of the Federalists under Alexander Hamilton, as Thomas J. DiLorenzo persausively argues. "Federalists like Joseph Story and John Marshall, and later Whig politicians like Daniel Webster and Abraham Lincoln… would tell The Big Lie that the Constitution was ratified by 'the whole people' and not as it actually was – by the citizens of the sovereign states, with their representatives assembled in state conventions," writes DiLorenzo. In the years since, the reach and severity of federalism has grown expotentially. "The U.S. government is now characterized by dictatorial power, abuse of every kind of personal liberty, confiscatory taxation, economic fascism, dangerous militarism, and imperialism." New World Order minion Obama will take this dictatorial power to new heights under the pretense of saving the people from the bankster engineered global economic depression.
As Obama and Congress further extend the dictatorial reach of the federal government — under the control of a small cotorie of globalists and international bankers — we can expect more states to assert their rights under the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.
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