Monday, May 04, 2009

The World's Most Dangerous Hacker?

In a way, I must agree, if you teleport yourself, or essence to another land, you should be responsible to obey the laws of that land. But! Nothing MORE of your essence that was transported, should be tried or held responsible. In this case just his digital presence. (And the results of that) YES indeed, lets trial this case on the world wide web!



In 2002 Gary McKinnon was arrested in the UK for illegally accessing US military and NASA computers. McKinnon, who describes himself as a "bumbling computer nerd," claims to have exploited lax security systems by using a simple script that searches machines to find blank passwords. Apparently inspired by the Disclosure Project, he was looking for evidence of suppressed alien technologies, evidence which he claims to have found.

McKinnon recently sought to lodge an appeal against his extradition with the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that as his crime was commited on British territory he should be tried in Britain. The ECHR refused to hear his case.  McKinnon's legal representative noted that the case highlights "a worrying trend where UK citizens are at the mercy of the
ever-increasing tendency of overseas prosecutors to extend their
jurisdiction to crimes allegedly committed in this country."

Dubbed the "world's most dangerous hacker" by US authorities, McKinnon risks facing charges related to terrorism and up to seventy years in prison.

More information on the case can be found here

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