Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine flu, who is the pig?

From a concerned reader and affiliate news agency...

Something stinks about this whole swine/avian/human flu thing. If you want the Reader's Digest condensed version: DO NOT TAKE A VACCINE against this virus if one is offered prior to August! The reason will be obvious to you in a moment.
The first thing that turned my head was the fact that they were calling this a "novel" strain. That means "new" and specifically this means, among other things, that the body will have no innate resistance to it. That can be nasty if the virus is nasty too but not all viruses are created equal. Either way, novel strains are pretty rare but they happen occasionally and though they might make you more sick then you would normally be they're not necessarily more deadly.
The thing that really turned my head was the virus is a combination of:
A) Human flu
B) Asian pig flu
C) European pig flu
D) North American bird flu
This is absurdly unlikely to occur in nature EVEN IF the different flu types were from the same area. But there you have it, it's a combination of four different flus from three different species over three different continents. Here's a Faux News article about it:
Microbiologist are saying that this had to have been manufactured by someone. It could not have occurred in nature. Obviously this is not being reported in the main stream media but it is being reported in reputable alternative medias.
So that's wierd. But wait, here's the punchline:
Baxter International is coming to the rescue and is developing a vaccine! It takes no less then three months to develop a flu vaccine. That's why I've never bothered with flu vaccines. They don't even innoculate you against the actual flu that's going around, they are for the one that was going around six or so months ago. They're not totally useless because often the current flu is related to the one from months ago and so it may help. However, a "novel strain" is totally new and unrelated to anything else so no existing vaccine will offer any protection whatsoever.
So a vaccine is impossible for at least three months. If they come out with one before that (and I predict they'll announce one in about two to four weeks) they are lieing.
OR they had a sample available to them for a while which we know is impossible because the virus is NOVEL!

Also, Baxter developed an Avian Flu vaccine that they released to 18 countries (mostly poor former eastern block European countries). The vaccine had live avian flu virus in it and a good chunk of the people taking it were killed! This simply cannot happen by accident. Cans of Tomato Sauce often have red dye in them and Tomato Sauce is used to make spaghetti. What are the chances of mom making some spaghetti and accidentally adding too much red dye? It's equally absurd to say some live virus "accidentally" got into the vaccine because the company, like they all do, practices "Biosaftey Level 3". Here's more about that if you want more info:

So again. The company making the vaccine cannot be trusted. They cannot have a vaccine before August but I have a hunch we'll see one much sooner then that. Do not take it if that's the case!

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